The past decade has witnessed the emergence of science diplomacy, both as a formalized set of operations and new field of study and research. A number of factors are driving this trend, but central is the recognition that more and more, major challenges are international in nature and that science and its applications are part of the cause as well as the cure. As a result, while much of the international science regime is still focused on discovery, there is an increasing demand for the integration of science cooperation in international relations. This special issue provides a overview of the evolution of science diplomacy, explores recent developments and unpacks burning issues.
Special Issue Articles
The Evolution of Science Diplomacy - Vaughan Turekian
Science Diplomacy: Introduction to a Boundary Problem - Carolin Kaltofen and Michele Acuto
Science Diplomacy and Trust Building: ‘Science China’ in the Arctic - Ping Su and Maximilian Mayer
Strengthening the UK‐Argentinian Science Relationship - Robin W. Grimes
Science Diplomacy within Sustainable Development: A SIDS Perspective - H. Elizabeth Thompson
Between a Carrot and a Stick: Science Diplomacy and Access to EU Research Funding - Matthias Leese
UNESCO: Scientific Humanism and its Impact on Multilateral Diplomacy - J. P. Singh
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Science‐Diplomacy Nexus - Pierre‐Bruno Ruffini