Our May 2010 issue includes contributions from Robert Wade on industrial policy in low-income countries, Rob Howse & Ruti Teitel on compliance in international law, and a special practitioner's section on international financial regulation edited by Howard Davies.
Research Articles
Robert Howse, Ruti Teitel - Beyond Compliance: Rethinking Why International Law Really Matters
Gawdat Bahgat - Sovereign Wealth Funds: An Assessment
Practitioners’ Special Section:
The next steps in global financial regulation
Guest Editor: Howard Davies
Howard Davies - Global Financial Regulation after the Credit Crisis
Andrew Sheng - The Regulatory Reform of Global Financial Markets: An Asian Regulator's Perspective
Survey Articles
Practitioner Commentaries
Linda Yueh - An International Approach to Energy Security
Todd Moss - What Next for the Millennium Development Goals?
Responses to Articles
Andy Salmon - A response to ‘Counterinsurgency concepts: what we learned in Iraq’
Shinji Takagi - A response to ‘Global governance after the financial crisis’
Paolo Barozzo - A response to ‘International adoption: the human rights position’