Edited by Anastasia Vasilyeva, this e-book on modern slavery collects contributions from leading experts to highlight practical and theoretical issues surrounding the persistence of human trafficking and forced labour.
Often thought to be a malice of the past, forced labour continues to take on a variety of forms across the globe and disproportionately affects the most vulnerable - refugees, migrants, women, children and marginalized identity groups. The trafficking of humans has also continued, often taking advantage of an increasingly connected and interdependent world. The current state of affairs demands international cooperation to develop frameworks to curtail the channels that supply slaves and to better identify those at risk.
What are the underlying factors that fuel slavery and who are the main actors needed to protect the vulnerable populations? What are some of the effective recent initiatives, public or private, to curtail slavery? What can we learn from recent failures? What are the key policy options and opportunities for international cooperation in the struggle to make slavery history? Authors in the Global Policy e-book address these questions.
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Introduction - Anastasia Vasilyeva
1. What Counts as Slavery Today? - Joel Quirk
2. Expanding Circles of Failure: The Rise of Bad Anti-Trafficking, and What to Do About It - Jonathan Mendel and Kiril Sharapov
Legal Perspectives
3. 20 Years of Impact of the Palermo Protocol: Contestation and Reflections - Jaffer Latief Najar
4. Legalizing Prostitution: Does it Increase or Decrease Sex Trafficking? - Ronald Weitzer
5. The Failure of National Prosecution to Bring Justice to Yazidi Victims of Sexual Slavery - Samar El-Masri
Approaches to combating slavery
6. Community-Led Strategies to Challenge Exploitation: Lessons from The Antislavery Knowledge Network - Alex Balch and Lennon Mhishi
7. Basic Income, ‘Modern Slavery’ and Modern Abolition - Neil Howard
8. Why Are Monitory Democracies Not Monitoring Supply Chain Slavery? - Peter Bengtsen
Thematic case studies
9. The Effects of COVID-19 on Migration and Modern Slavery - Deanna Davy
10. Child Trafficking - Profiting from Vulnerability - Loria-Mae Heywood
11. Sex Trafficking and Hotels: Why there is a Need for Effective Corporate Social Responsibility - Sarah Meo and Louise Shelley
Geographical case studies
12. Trafficking to the Gulf States - Alexis A. Aronowitz
13. Community, Performance, Testimony: Talking about Human Trafficking in Accra - Stephen Collins
14. Trafficking in Human Beings: Russian Context - Vera Gracheva
15. Slavery and the U.S. Prison System - Tryon P. Woods
16. Modern Slavery in the United Kingdom: Is There a Distinctly Rural Dimension? - Gary Craig
17. Modern Day Slavery in Brazil: A Report from the Field - Binka Le Breton